Anna Korn, M.A.

Room: NB 1/27
Phone: +49 (0)234 32-27732

About the person

Anna Korn is a research associate at the Chair of Sociology of Digital Transformation at the Institute of Labor Studies at Ruhr University Bochum with Prof. Dr. Markus Hertwig. She is also currently a lecturer at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, where she offers an introduction to quantitative research methods in the master's program Research in Social Work.

In her studies of sociology and political science at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, her focus was already on the sociology of labor and industry. In addition to her empirically oriented master's degree in sociology and social research at Philipps University Marburg, she worked as a student and research assistant at the Chair of Labor and Economics I (Prof. Dr. Maria Funder) in a project in cooperation with the Hans Böckler Foundation. She completed her studies with a master's thesis on the topic of "Trade union integration of precarious workers -a country comparison of three European countries".


Curriculum Vitae

2021 - dato

research associate at the Institute of Industrial Engineering at the Ruhr-University Bochum

Chair of Sociology of Digital Transformation (Prof. Dr. Markus Hertwig)

2019 - 2021

Research assistant in the evaluation of partnerships for democracy in the project "Demokratie leben!" of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth at the Institut für Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik e.V. (Institute for Social Work and Social Pedagogy) in Frankfurt

Work area: Democracy promotion and radicalization prevention

2018 - 2019

Student and research assistant in the project "Works Council Elections 2018. A Trend Report and Case Analyses on Demographic Change and Gender Equality" of the Hans Böckler Foundation at the Institute of Sociology of the Philipps University Marburg

Working focus: Sociology of Economy and Work I (Prof. Dr. Maria Funder)

2016 - 2019

student assistant and tutor at the Institute of Sociology at the Philipps-University Marburg

Research focus: Methods of empirical social research (Prof. Dr. Antje Röder)

2016 -2019

Master's degree in Sociology and Social Research at the Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany


Intern at Orbit e.V. Jena- Organizational Consulting in Thuringia

Area: organizational consulting and scientific analysis

2012- 2016

Bachelor studies in sociology and political science at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena


Martin Lenzner, Jule Elena Westerheide, Markus Hertwig & Anna Korn (2023): Standardisation gaps in hybrid work. Post-pandemic working time cultures and the repersonalisation of control using the example of public administration. In: AiS-Studien 2/2023.

Teaching and organized events

WiSe 2021/2022

  • „Workload in qualified jobs", Seminar in the BA Social Sciences at the Institute of Ergonomics, Ruhr-University Bochum
  • „Descriptive Statistics", Seminar in the MA Research in Social Work at the Department of Social Work and Health, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
  • „Evaluation of quantitative data", seminar in the MA Research in Social Work at the Department of Social Work and Health at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

WiSe 2018/2019

  • „Tutorial on the teaching research project Experiments in the Social Sciences", accompanying tutorial in the module "Empirical Teaching Research Project" (led by Dr Andrea Breitenbach) at the Department of Sociology, Philipps-Universität Marburg

WiSe 2016/2017 – SoSe 2017

  • „Tutorial for the quantitative teaching research project", accompanying tutorial in the module "Empirical Teaching Research Project" (led by Nur Demir and Randy Stache) in the BA Social Sciences at the Institute of Sociology, Philipps-Universität Marburg